Category Archives: General

Our Commitment

Striving for a Higher Manufacturing Standard


For more than 70 years, we have made leading innovative flame-resistant (FR), arc-rated (AR) fabrics that serve a variety of industrial and technical industries. We engineer our fabrics from the inside out to guarantee their flame-resistant properties for the life of the garment—where many competing fabrics cannot make the same claim.

By now, you know how much we stress sourcing the FR/AR fabric used in your daily wear or PPE garments. It’s important to know who makes the fabric, how the fabric performs in a battery of industry tests and, most importantly, how it performs on the job. It’s not enough to simply know it’s NFPA® 2112-certified or if it provides Category 2 protection according to NFPA® 70E, for example; you need to know and trust in the fabric brand itself.

We are firm believers in this approach for one simple reason—it’s what’s right for our customers and end users.


FR/AR Garments: Zone Defense

FR/AR Garments: The Zone Defense of Thermal Hazard Protection Programs

Are you a March Madness fan? Chances are, you’ve never contemplated the similarities between zone defense of your favorite basketball team and the “defense” that flame-resistant (FR)/arc-rated (AR) PPE plays in mitigating thermal hazard risks in workplace settings. In either case, solid zone defense and FR/AR PPE do more than just one job.


Introducing the Westex App

Westex Launches Mobile App to Streamline FR/AR Product Selection Process
The first-to-market tool matches products to global safety standards

SPARTANBURG, SC (Feb. 9, 2021)—Westex: A Milliken Brand, announced today the launch of a new product selection app, the Westex App, developed to provide users a way to custom build a FR/AR uniform based on their workforce’s individual safety standard requirements. The free mobile app is available for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Introducing the Polartec® FR Collection

Westex and Polartec Debut Polartec Flame Resistant Collection
Two category leaders collaborate to produce flame resistant/arc-rated knits
certified for the job with overtime comfort.

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Two Milliken & Company textile businesses—Westex®, a leader in dual-hazard protective textiles, and Polartec®, the premium provider of innovative and sustainable textile solutions—announce a new collection of flame-resistant (FR), arc-rated (AR) knit fabric. Known as the Polartec FR Collection, the collection introduces three unique Polartec fabric constructions engineered with Westex FR/AR fabric technology that provides trusted thermal hazard protection. The products span shirting, insulation and weather resistance fabrics that meet or exceed worldwide protection standards for even the most demanding industries, including oil & gas, electrical, construction, and military use.


A Global View of Electric Arc Standards






Those who work in the industrial environment face multiple threats. In this instance, we’ll focus on intense electric-related hazards, specifically electric arcs. During an electric arc, temperatures can reach up to 35,000°F, or 20.000°C (that’s hotter than the surface of the sun), so wearing the proper flame retardant (FR) PPE is paramount. Let’s take a look at how you can help make sure your team is up to standard and adequately protected—and how your location globally plays a critical role in doing just that.


What the Required Dust Hazard Analysis Means for Your Team

If you’ve been waiting to complete a few of the bigger tasks on your agenda, use this season to do some much-needed spring cleaning—especially if your facility faces combustible dust hazards.

Per the NFPA® 652 Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust (2019), you’re required to complete a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) by September 7, 2020; or, you must be able to show strong progress toward completion.


Que hay detrás de los términos “Inherentes y Tratadas” y lo que significan en el mundo de las telas anti llama

En el mercado de prendas de ropa protectoras, hay un abanico muy amplio de opciones para cuando se trata de especificar telas FR en el Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP). Las telas resistentes a la flama para Arco Eléctrico ( AR- Arc Rated), son la primera línea de protección para el cuerpo en el EPP y dictan en gran medida, el grado de protección alcanzado en ellas, viene en una amplia gama de formulaciones, todas ellas con su propio set de características. Incluso dentro de un tipo específico de telas FR, características como calificación de arco y comodidad, pueden variar mucho entre las diferentes marcas. Esta Guía Técnica explora las telas de este ramo, de manera que usted pueda seleccionar una tela FR confiable y funcional, que será el elemento básico de protección de sus prendas. Descargar


La industria eléctrica utiliza rutinariamente evaluaciones de riesgos para definir y abordar los peligros multifacéticos encontrados en los lugares de trabajo. A medida que se identifican los peligros, la NFPA 70E define la jerarquía de los controles de riesgos, es decir, es un sistema integral utilizado para minimizar o eliminar la exposición al peligro con el objetivo de reducir la probabilidad de que ocurra un incidente y mitigar la gravedad de las lesiones en caso que ocurriesen. Dentro del contexto de la jerarquía del control de riesgos, han sido definidas múltiples etapas, empezando con la eliminación de riesgos hasta llegar al uso adecuado de equipos de protección personal (EPP): todas estas etapas deben trabajar en conjunto para crear un entorno de trabajo lo más seguro posible.


Arc Flash Safety Updates at an NFPA 70E Workshop Near You

We’re passionate about educating the electrical industry on safety standards that address short-term thermal hazards, like arc flash and flash fire. It’s how we know we’re helping equip you with not only the industry’s leading flame resistant/arc-rated (FR/AR) textiles for personal protective equipment (PPE), but also helping apply these methods to provide maximum protection for your employees.


NEC, NESC, NFPA 70E, and Arc Rated PPE: A Quick Look at Electrical Industry Standards


Throughout the electrical industry, consensus standards provide critical information advising how to safeguard employees facing arc flash hazards. These standards—NEC, NESC, and NFPA 70E—are all meant to guide safety initiatives, but which one is relevant for you? We break down each standard and what they mean for your workplace.
