Category Archives: General

Westex Launching New Style for Popular Westex® DH Performance FR Fabric at ASSP Safety 2019, Booth 1727

Every year, safety professionals, manufacturers and more gather at ASSP Safety to attend educational seminars, review best practices, discuss industry trends and find the latest innovations in safety. Westex by Milliken is a regular exhibitor, and we always enjoy connecting with others who have the same mission we do: to protect industrial workers daily.  Westex® branded FR fabrics cover a multitude of jobsite hazards, including offering proven protection to help mitigate impacts of short-term thermal exposures, like flash fire and arc flash. At ASSP Safety 2019, we’re excited to expand our line of industry-leading FR textiles with new styles for Westex® DH performance FR fabric.


Three Ways to Use AR/FR PPE to Stay Safe on the Job

May is Electrical Safety Month, which is a good reminder to ensure your team’s safety efforts are in line with the updated industry consensus standard NFPA 70E. Workers in the electrical field are exposed to unexpected hazards, including arc flashes, so safety precautions should be reviewed frequently to help reduce the risk of injury. Thorough risk assessments are required to reduce the likelihood of arc flash incident occurrence and you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting workers, so PPE is employed, as the last risk control, to mitigate the severity of injury should an arc flash incident occur.


Understanding Primary vs. Secondary FR Protection

Safety managers have a very important decision to make when determining the type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that their team needs. Before nailing down the fabric, apparel and PPE brands they would like to select, they first need to determine whether their team, or even specific members of their team, require primary or secondary FR protection to help perform their job responsibilities as safely as possible.


Three Key Points in Defining Thermal Hazard Mitigation Programs

It is every employer’s goal to keep its workers safe on the job, but providing for the safety of your employees requires a holistic approach. Forming just one dimension of a hazard mitigation program, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be extremely beneficial when specified correctly. It is important, though, to look at a safety program comprehensively, so we asked our training experts, two of which will be attending the Petroleum Safety Conference at the end of this month, to share three key aspects to consider when building your program.


Illustrating NFPA 70E Updates

When the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E went into effect, many within the industry took time to explore how the standard changes would affect both employers and workers. There are a number of articles you can turn to on the subject; indeed, even Westex by Milliken has penned a few articles expanding on what the changes mean.


What “88/12 FR” Means

In our line of work, it is critical to understand the needs of our customers. From the nature of the daily hazards you face to the ever-important subject of budgets, Westex by Milliken understands that a number of factors go into selecting the right arc-rated/flame resistant (AR/FR) fabric for a company’s personal protective equipment (PPE) program.



Incidentes con arcos eléctricos y fuegos repentinos son una realidad cotidiana para los trabajadores de las empresas de electricidad y de petróleo y gas. Para ayudar a mantener los trabajadores seguros en su día a día, los profesionales requieren protección continua, además de indumentarias específicas para determinadas tareas. Las prendas ignífugas de uso diario, como camisas de trabajo, pantalones y pantalones vaqueros, son una solución fácil para que estos trabajadores estén adecuadamente protegidos en caso de un arco eléctrico o un fuego repentino. Descargar


Como norma de la industria, NFPA 70E presenta los elementos de un programa de seguridad eléctrica para proteger a los trabajadores de los peligros eléctricos de alto riesgo – estos a que los trabajadores tienen contacto cada día. OSHA establece claramente el que, los empleadores deben proteger sus empleados de los peligros eléctricos y la NFPA 70E informa como. Descargar

5 Benefits of Westex® DH Performance FR Fabric

Unexpected arc flash and short-duration thermal exposure from fire hazards, also known as flash fire, are a daily reality for electric utility and oil and gas workers. To help keep workers safe on the job, industrial personnel require ongoing hazard protection in addition to specific attire for certain tasks. Everyday FR apparel, such as work shirts, pants and jeans, is an easy solution for these workers to be adequately protected in the event of an arc flash or short-duration thermal exposure from fire.
