Cone Denim and Westex by Milliken continue partnership for stylish FR denim daily wear

Collaboration is key for discovering creative and sustainable solutions to meet customers’ needs. To that end, we are excited to share our successful collaboration with Cone Denim – leaders in premium denim for consumer apparel – will be renewed to continue offering our customers cutting-edge arc rated (AR) flame resistant (FR) denim. Our two brands exclusively produce and distribute the FR denim Westex Indigo® to meet the safety and wearability needs of industrial workers.

“FR denim is a needed option for everyday FR apparel—promoting safety on the job in a comfortable and preferred garment that mirrors streetwear,” commented Tom Moore, national market director for Westex by Milliken. “Our partnership with Cone Denim allows us to provide quality denim fabrics with guaranteed FR protection that make adopting everyday FR apparel easy.”

Cone Denim is our sole supplier of indigo dyed, greige denim fabric, which we then engineer to be flame resistant. The final product helps mitigate injuries caused by short-term thermal workplace hazards in the electrical utilities, and oil and gas industries, such as arc flash and flash fire.

Westex Indigo® combines industry-leading AR/FR technologies with a fabric that prioritizes look, feel, comfort, and mobility for the wearer. The fabric boasts superior durability without compromising critical FR safety features for industrial workers. Engineered for safety as well as comfort, Westex Indigo® offers the look and feel of streetwear denim, which has helped promote a want-to-wear experience for personal protective equipment (PPE). Fit, feel, comfort, and durability are important factors to help ensure employees wear their daily FR PPE so they are adequately protected if an unexpected an arc flash or flash fire takes place.

“This partnership has been very well received by the marketplace and has grown consistently every year since it began,” says Steve Maggard, president of Cone Denim. “It is rare that you find a partnership between two U.S.-based companies where each has such a long and steeped history of innovation that spans more than 125 years for Cone and 153 for Milliken. We are very excited to expand our relationship with Westex by Milliken and continue our collaboration to create innovative, protective denim fabrics.”

Discover more about Westex® Indigo here and see how it can help enhance your own FR garment program.

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