Introducing: Westex TrueComfort Knits

Westex TrueComfortTM is a new advancement in flame resistant knit fabrics.

The new TrueComfortTM fabrics are lightweight, soft and breathable, and offer the same guarantee of flame resistance for the life of the garment as Westex’s proven UltraSoft®, UltraSoft AC® and Indura® brands. In addition, TrueComfortTM provides excellent arc flash protection with an Arc Rating of 8.9 (ATPV) for NFPA 70E HRC 2 performance and it is UL certified to NFPA 2112 for flash fire protection.

Any job functions that require arc flash and/or flash fire protection and extreme comfort such as maintenance and electrical work (NFPA 70E), electric and gas utilities personnel, electrical contractors, oil, gas & petrochemical workers, military personnel and many others, can benefit from Westex TrueComfortTM knit fabrics.

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