Los trabajadores del área eléctrica están expuestos a inesperados peligros incluyendo los arcos eléctricos, por lo cual, las precauciones de seguridad deben ser revisadas con frecuencia teniendo como objetivo reducir el riesgo a accidentes. Los análisis de riesgo son necesarios para disminuir la probabilidad de incidencia de un arco eléctrico y nunca se puede descuidar cuando se trata de proteger a estos profesionales. En este sentido, el EPI es utilizado como el último control de supervisión de riesgo con el objetivo de atenuar la gravedad de la lesión en el caso que ocurra un incidente de arco eléctrico. Descargar
Welcome to the Westex Blog
Where we share our perspective on current trends, best practices, and the future of FR safety.
Three Ways Westex® DH Base Layer Fabric Changes the Game for FR/AR PPE Programs
Drawing from customer feedback and suggestions, the Westex® DH line of performance flame resistant (FR), arc rated (AR) fabrics was created to meet the most requested and pressing end-user needs for thermal hazard FR/AR personal protective equipment (PPE). Durable and robust, the line offers superior arc flash and flash fire protection in a variety of garment weights and styles for FR/AR daily wear. With fabrics ranging from a basket weave fabric ideally suited for cargo pants to a durable construction for button-down shirts, the line is expanding to include an innovative fabric for FR/AR base layers, which will debut at the National Safety Council (NSC) Congress & Expo in San Diego Sept. 9 – 11.
Existen muchos factores que influyen en la creación de una tela ignífuga de alta calidad. A pesar de que existen muchas propiedades relacionadas a la resistencia a las llamas (FR) que son con frecuencia mencionadas como durabilidad y certificaciones, hay algunas características que tienden a recibir menos atención.
Aquí reunimos cinco hechos interesantes sobre las telas ignífugas (FR) para ampliar su conocimiento sobre este importante equipamiento de protección individual (EPP). Descargar
Cone Denim and Westex by Milliken continue partnership for stylish FR denim daily wear
Collaboration is key for discovering creative and sustainable solutions to meet customers’ needs. To that end, we are excited to share our successful collaboration with Cone Denim – leaders in premium denim for consumer apparel – will be renewed to continue offering our customers cutting-edge arc rated (AR) flame resistant (FR) denim. Our two brands exclusively produce and distribute the FR denim Westex Indigo® to meet the safety and wearability needs of industrial workers.
Inside FR Technology Development: An Interview with Drew Child
Decades of expertise and a deep understanding of the science of a flame go into creating new arc rated (AR) and flame resistant (FR) fabrics. We sat down with Drew Child, Director of Technology and Program Director for Milliken’s Uniform and Protective Fabrics Business, to discover more about the process behind developing new AR/FR textiles for cutting-edge personal protective equipment (PPE) for the electric utilities, and oil and gas industries.
Los ingenieros y técnicos de seguridad del trabajo tienen una misión muy importante al determinar el tipo de prenda ignífuga que su equipo necesita utilizar. Antes de elegir la marca de la tela y la confección, es necesario determinar si las actividades realizadas implican protección ignífuga de riesgo primario o secundario y, de esta forma, implementar el mejor EPP para la realización de estas atividades. Descargar
Five facts you may not know about FR fabrics
There are many factors that go into creating a high-quality FR fabric. While there are many flame resistant (FR) properties that are often mentioned, such as durability and industry certifications, there are some characteristics that tend to receive less attention. We rounded up five interesting facts that you may not know about FR textiles to expand your knowledge on this important component of personal protective equipment (PPE).
4 Actualizaciones de la norma NFPA 2112 que pueden afectar su programa de prendas ignífugas
A finales de 2018 la norma NFPA 2112: Standard on Flame-Resistant Clothing for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Short-Duration Thermal Exposures from Fire (Estándar sobre Prendas Ignífugas para Protección Personal contra Exposiciones Térmicas de Corta Duración) pasó por importantes cambios. La edición 2018 es un referente para el mercado de la seguridad del trabajo como un todo – impactando a proveedores, fabricantes y también a los usuarios finales. Si usted está invirtiendo en prendas ignífugas o en equipos de protección personal (EPPs) en general, le describimos los cuatro cambios más significativos que usted debe tener en cuenta al especificar sus prendas e implementar los protocolos relevantes.
Specifying Proper PPE Clothing to Protect Against Hazards in the Aluminum Industry
While the aluminum industry can generally be a safe place to work, there are occupational hazards that employees need to be aware of and actively guard themselves against. It is important for safety managers to fully assess the workplace for the risk of potential short-term thermal hazards and design a safety program that fits their employees’ needs. When developing safety initiatives in the workplace, it is important to consider incorporating arc rated (AR) and flame resistant (FR) primary and secondary personal protective equipment (PPE) to help mitigate injury should an incident occur.
Four Ways Clothing Can Contribute to Reducing the Impact of Heat Stress
Heat stress can be a serious concern year round, but it is especially prevalent in the warmer summer months. There are many factors that contribute to an increased risk of heat stress including high external temperature, humidity levels, sun exposure, lack of breeze, not drinking enough water, intensity of labor, and heat-trapping PPE. Work attire is often overlooked when analyzing heat stress factors, but when coupled with rest, hydration, and shade, it may help lessen the likelihood of heat stress. Here are four tips to use clothing to your advantage to help prevent the impact of heat stress on a day-to-day basis.